Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24 days to go!


or this 

(the yellow one please)

(i'm size 5)

or this

okay, christmas is around the corner, practically 24 more days to go, hence the title. haha today's the last day of november and obviously tomorrow is december 1st. 
alright you guys might be wondering why some photos from my previous post are here again well it's because my friends and i have this routine every christmas party to exchange gifts and above is my wishlist. they have been asking for days already about our respective wish list and i told them i'll post them here. i actually sort them from my most wanted gift to the least one. they're all from F21, if you guys are wondering where to get them. i have been thinking of what i wanted to receive but for now this is what i could think of. just keep posted! :) HAHA 

'bye for now people. i still have a case study to finish. it was due last monday so i better finish them before my teacher decides to forfeit it. 

- aiken - 

Follow shaveila chic

1 comment:

  1. love the hat with the bow!

    <3 steffy


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