Thursday, September 1, 2011


Two days ago, I watched the movie Friends with Benefit (or FWB if the title post does not give it away) and I should say, its my new favorite movie. I know I've been blabbing about how I loved the movie to my friends and I'm pretty sure they're already sick listening to me about it but I just can't help it. It was such a feel good movie and I was just smiling watching the entire movie and because of that I watched it twice and I'm now LSS to their soundtarck: Closing Time by Matchbox 20. haha To those who haven't seen the film, you guys should really watch it and tell me what you think about it. For now let me leave you with the movie's trailer.


  1. Wasn't there another movie like that with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman?? :S

  2. Yes there is. "No Strings Attached" :)


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